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Basil - a herbaceous plant with firm, egg-shaped leaves and a characteristic strong aroma, due to the content of essential oil. Contains tannins, plant sterols, flavonoids and carotenoids. It is characterized by fresh flavor. It is added to salads, cottage cheese, omelets, sauces, pork, mutton, vegetables, fish and seafood. Especially popular in Italian cuisine. Goes well with onion and garlic. Basil should be added to the dishes at the end of cooking. It helps with stomachaches, stimulates appetite and aids digestion. It prevents cough and improves kidney function. The best time for picking basil is July and September. You can grow it in pots, it grows up to 40 cm in height. |
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Dill - a plant of high- branched stem with very fine, soft leaves. It is used primarily to season soups or cooked potatoes. It is an important ingredient in marinades and vegetable preserves, to which is added along with the stems. It contains vitamins C, A, E, B vitamins (B1, B2 ), large amounts of phosphorus and calcium. It has a beneficial effect on digestive system. Dill infusions may be administered to infants. Dill oil soothes the cough.
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Coriander - a resinous flavor with a slight bitterness. Ideal for long- roasted meats, stews, gives the dishes a distinctive taste and smell, and also makes them easier to digest. Popular in Asian cuisine. Ideal for fish, soups and salads. It is very rich in iron and vitamins. It has anti-rheumatic properties. Helpful in the treatment of anemia. Rejuvenates the body and stimulates the appetite. |
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Mint - mint in the kitchen has almost unlimited use, you can add it for virtually any type of dishes: meats, fish, salads and dips. It is ideal as a refreshing ingredient of desserts and beverages (eg, cold lemonade ). it not only accentuate the flavor of food but also is helpful for digestive system. It is worth to have it in your her garden, on the balcony or on the windowsill. In mint leaves there are essential oils - especially menthol, which has a refreshing, antiseptic, antiviral, analgesic proprieties and anti-inflammatory tannins. It also contains carotene, rutin, vitamin A and C, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium. Clears the nose and sinuses and relieve cold symptoms. Sedative effect of peppermint can bring relief to those suffering from insomnia or neuralgia. |
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Lemon balm - has a very pleasant, distinctive lemon scent. It is commonly used to decorate dishes and liqueurs. Its tender leaves contain volatile oils, organic acids, tannins and triterpenes. Thanks to the presence of tannins and essential oils lemon balm has calming effect. It is recommended especially in the states of nervous exhaustion, general arousal. Lemon balm relieves headaches. It also helps in digestive disorders. During fever helps to cool the body. |
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Marjoram - a plant with small, mossy leaves, reaching up to 50 cm in height. The garden it blooms from July until the first frost. It has an extremely wide range of applications. It is used as a spice and added primarily to a heavy dishes, dishes with legumes and fatty meats such as lamb or goose. Harmonizes well with sage, rosemary and thyme. Marjoram contains marjoram oil. The young, fresh springs contains a lot of rutin (vitamin P), and ascorbic acid. Marjoram helps with the digestive system diseases. Tea with marjoram herb has sedative properties. Marjoram oil is sometimes used for inhalation. |
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Chives - a close relative of the onion, garlic and leek. Long, narrow leaves grow from the numerous bulbs, closely adjacent to each other. It is not just a decoration of dishes, but the ingredient that adds flavor to it. To gain all its benefits we should pay close attention while buying. Chives should have a long, fir leaves and have a distinct smell. It is perfect for salads, soups or sauces. Chives has a lot of valuable compounds for our body, such as vitamin B and pro-vitamin A. The leaves of chives are extremely rich in vitamin C, which is beneficial for the immune system. The leaves also includes potassium, strengthening the heart, as well as sodium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Chives also contains essential oils, which are responsible for stimulating metabolic processes. Additionally, it has antibacterial properties and also lowers blood pressure and enhance appetite. |
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Parsley - is one of the most popular herbs in Polish cuisine. We use in both the root and the leaves, which, due to the highly aromatic proprieties are used for the seasoning of many dishes. It can be an ingredient of salads, soups and meats dishes. It contains the most important vitamins and minerals. It cleanses the body and helps in the absorption of iron. |
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Rosemary - it is a herb with small gray-green color leaves, which crushed, emit a spicy fragrance. It is used mainly as a culinary spice, suitable to flavor to dishes of fatty meats, but it can be applied to almost anything. Best fits with garlic and mushrooms. Its leaves contain essential oils, flavonoids, phenolic acids, triterpenes, tannins. Infusions of rosemary leaves are used in digestive disorders. They also have a strengthening effect. Drinking infusion of the dried leaves of rosemary affects the increase of efficiency and overall strengthening of the body. |
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Thyme - helps digestion of fatty foods. It stimulates the mind and body and appetite. Ideal for long- roasted meats, stews, game, but also for poultry and minced meat. Excellent addition to bread, potato pancakes and scrambled eggs. Supposedly good for coughs - contains essential oil. It has expectorant and bactericidal proprieties. The infusion is prepared from 1 teaspoon of herbs for half a cup of boiling water - several times a day. The infusion should be prepared each time anew. Also in popular use are cough medicines containing thyme extracts. |
Doskonale pasuje do: |
LEGEND | |||
veal |
pork |
beef |
poultry |
seafood |
fish |
vegetables |
venison |
hot drinks |
cold drinks |
desserts |
Asian dishes |
Italian cuisine |
We recommend recipes with herbs:
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Basil – lemon balm pesto |
Chicken with celery |
Mini pizzas |
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Potato salad |
Avocado with shrimps or smoked salmon |
Stuffed mushrooms |