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Hard cheese is one of the most basic ingredients of our meals, not only in sandwiches but also in casseroles and salads. Hard cheese is an important source of calcium and protein, which allows you live a healthy life in a delicious way. Alma Delicatessen offers you a wide selection of hard cheese from all over the world and from Poland.
A soft, washed-rind cheese with a fat content of at least 45%, Livarot...
WięcejThis is hard cheese made from unpasteurized cow’s milk in small, traditional dairy factories. It ripens in 5 to 6...
WięcejProduced in the Franche-Comté region, this is a hard cheese. Its pâte is either ivory-coloured or pale gold,...
WięcejMade using cow’s and goat’s milk, Chaubier is a hard cheese with a delicate, velvety flavour. It makes a superb...
WięcejOne of the oldest of French cheeses, Cantal is classified as semi-hard. Produced in Auvergne, it is a traditional farmhouse...