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Alma24.pl comes to Rzeszów
Over 15,000 products selected from among the items most frequently purchased at Alma Delicatessen, free delivery with any purchase of 50 PLN or more, time and money saved thanks to all kinds of special offers – these are just a few things about doing shopping at Alma24.pl that the inhabitants of Rzeszów can now take advantage of.
Alma24.pl Internet Delicatessen offers a wide selection of basic foodstuffs, including Poland’s favourite brands, at very attractive prices. Additionally, customers get access to imported items from all over the world, available exclusively from Alma. The list of consumer goods sold by the online store is being expanded on a daily basis according to customers’ suggestions and expectations. It’s regularly supplemented by adding new products and seasonal delights.
Deliveries are carried out by specialist food transport vehicles which ensures that customers receive products of the highest quality. The most popular online purchases include meat and smoked meat products, cheese, dairy products, fruit and vegetables, and mineral water. Deliveries are performed around the clock and can be made at a specific time. Payment is also very convenient. Customers can pay in advance or on delivery by cash or by card.
“Not always we have time or an opportunity to do shopping in a traditional shop. Thanks to Alma24.pl we can buy things while we are at home or at work. Al you need is an Internet connection and within just a few minutes your shopping is done. It’s a very convenient way of shopping that allows to save both time and money. Online shopping helps customers to avoid making “impulse” purchases and thus they spend less than in a traditional shop,” says Staszek Krzaklewski from Alma Market.
Rzeszów is the 12th Polish city in which alma24.pl operates. In 2010 Alma online store recorded sales in excess of 30 million PLN and is the market leader in online sales of food products in Poland.