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Alma Delicatessen are about to launch a new image-building campaign under the slogan “Everyday tastes better”.
The first Alma Delicatessen store in Szczecin was opened on 28th September at the Kaskada shopping centre.
Would you like to fly to your favourite place in Europe in exchange for shopping? Alma Delicatessen and LOT Polish Airlines invite you to take part in the “Get tickets for shopping” competition.
Over 15,000 products selected from among the items most frequently purchased at Alma Delicatessen, free delivery with any purchase of 50 PLN or more, time and money saved thanks to all kinds of special offers – these are just a few things about doing shopping at Alma24.pl that the inhabitants of Rzeszów can now take advantage of.
Unique porcelain items designed by Anna Maria Jopek, a line of decorative vases designed by Hanna Bakuła, exclusive jewellery sets from W. Kruk – these are just a few examples of rewards available to the members of the Connoisseurs Club.
The first autumn price basket comparison prepared by the dlahandlu.pl website indicates that Alma Delicatessen offer competitive prices when compared not only with large hypermarket chains but also discount stores.