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Looking for good prices… go to the delicatessen
The first autumn price basket comparison prepared by the dlahandlu.pl website indicates that Alma Delicatessen offer competitive prices when compared not only with large hypermarket chains but also discount stores.
The price basket comparison is about comparing the cost of purchase of the most popular grocery products such as bread rolls, fruit (bananas and apples), vegetable oil, milk, cheese, etc. at shops belonging to different chains. The analysis is broken down by location – stores located in Poland’s eight largest cities as well as Internet stores are surveyed. In each of those locations Alma Delicatessen sell all of those basic products at attractive prices. This means that while shopping at Alma customers will spend an amount of money that is comparable with and sometimes lower than the one they would have to pay at competitors’ stores.
The price basket comparison is available here:
“We have a wide selection of low-priced basic products. We can maintain our prices at this level as our offer is supplemented by more expensive deli products. Good prices in the basic basket have been confirmed by objective industry research findings. Shopping at Alma Delicatessen is not more expensive than shopping at our competitors’ stores and our advantage is an extensive range of products available exclusively from us. Additionally we offer our customers unparalleled comfort of shopping thanks to our competent customer service and stylish interior design. We have proved that shopping actually can be fun,” says Justyna Zajączkowska, PR Manager Alma Market.
Low prices and a wide range of products can also be found at the alma24.pl online store which operates in 11 cities in Poland.
Alma Delicatessen is a chain of 30 retail stores located in Poland’s largest cities. Apart from basic groceries available at reasonable prices it also offers a wide selection of imported products delivered exclusively to Alma. In 2011 three new Alma stores are going to be opened in Szczecin, Kraków and in Warsaw’s district Bemowo. Alma Delicatessen also operates an Internet store, alma24.pl.