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Gift cards
We all love presents! We also love the thrill when we undo the ribbon to discover the amazing gift we received.
Giving presents to our loved ones is just as pleasurable, although sometimes it is difficult to find something they would really enjoy.
Alma gift cards seem like a perfect solution to the problem. They provide the opportunity to shop at Alma Delicatessen for any product available.
The regular denominations of our gift cards are the following: PLN 10, 20, 50 and 100. They are available at all of our stores.
You can pick up your gift card upon:
• paying for them by a bank wire transfer to our bank account at BRE S.A. Kraków Branch, account number 40114010810000231392001004 or by cash at the cash desk in the main office of Alma Market S.A.
• producing a confirmation of payment (confirmation of a successful bank wire transfer or a cash receipt confirmation (‘KP’) received from the cash desk of Alma Market S.A.)
• producing a letter of authorization to pick up the gift cards and signing an agreement.
We are willing to help you and to provide detailed information regarding our gift cards:
Telephone number: 12 62 76 320, 12 62 76 201, 12 62 76 202
Fax: 12 62 76 165, 12 62 76 202
Download order form
If you have any additional questions, please fill and send this form..
When we receive your request, we will contact with you by phone or email.