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Known as the ‘King of French Cheeses’, the Romans were already eating their fill of this ewe’s milk cheese, shot through with threads of blue mould, in the early years of the first millennium. Only the milk of Lacaune ewes pastured on the Causse de Lorsac plateau is used in its production. Rennet is added to the raw milk and with it, the noble blue mould. The raw cheese is formed into wheels, rolled a number of times in salt and then transported to the Combalou caves of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon. Before the wheels are set on the oak shelves which occupy eleven levels of corridors in the rock, an additional step in the ageing process occurs. The cheeses are ‘needled’; numerous tiny holes are made in order to introduce the air that feeds the mould and encourages it to spread properly through the cheese. The size of a wheel of Roquefort is strictly defined as having a diameter of 19 to 20 cm and a weight of between 2.5 and 3 kg. With a fat content of at least 52%, this is a cheese of matchless delicacy. As the cheese matures, the white pâte takes on an ivory tint and the mould obtains a bluish-green colour. In culinary terms, Roquefort is an indispensable ingredient of salads, baked dishes and distinctive sauces.