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It is a royal drink which never gets boring – tea can be really surprising in terms of a wide variety of flavors and types which are different the world over. An impressive collection of tea available at Alma Delicatessen features over 700 varieties. Among them, we offer products which represent traditions of the countries in which tea is an element of their national culture. Those who prefer traditional flavors will be fond of the legendary Fortnum & Mason tea. Fortnum & Mason is a well known and highly regarded company which has been delivering tea to the British court from the 18th century. The unique flavors and aromas of the Fortnum & Mason’s teas have fascinated tea lovers for centuries. Her Majesty Elizabeth II has Smokey Earl Grey tea with a drop of milk at five o’clock, served with sweets, for instance crunchy biscuits. Fortnum & Mason delivers tea especially for connoisseurs, which are available only at Alma Delicatessen as far as the Polish market is concerned.
Twinnings is a delicate blend of black tea with a unique citrus fragrance. It is a...
moreDarvilles of Windsor is a family business which has been supplying and blending teas for over one hundred and forty years....
moreFor the true flavour of tea picked from the lush, green slopes of the mountains of Sri Lanka, using time-honoured methods,...