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Alma aqua

Crystal clear water comes in a number of flavours. There are so many of them that connoisseurs of mineral water meet for water tastings and award their producers with prizes. They assess their flavour, smell and qualities typical of their place of origin. Only the mineral waters acknowledged by connoisseurs as the tastiest and the ones that have the most unique values as regards health benefits are included in the Alma Aqua collection. Most of them are sourced from Artesian wells. A thick layer of rocks protects them against air which allows them to retain their unmatched purity. Among them, we offer Fiji spring water which is very popular in the United States, Norwegian Voss – a symbol of elegance, famous for its uniquely designed bottles, and Ty Nant from the cleanest and purest regions of Wales.


  • Ty Nant

    The waters offered by Tŷ Nant Spring Water Ltd. are health and beauty in stunning packaging. Tŷ Nant’s...

  • Voss

    Voss Water represents the pure, primeval power of nature. One of the purest of artesian waters, drawn from a source protected...

  • Fijii

    Fiji is one of the most popular waters in the world. Extracted from an artesian well deep within the earth, it is renowned...



  • Gazpacho – Spanish soup (3-4 servings)

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  • Basil – lemon balm pesto

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  • Italian pizza with vegetables and Tomino cheese in olive oil with pepper

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