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Soft biscotti or crispy cantucci which melt in the mouth when soaked in coffee, crispy biscuits and crackers – everyone will find his favorites in our offer. Sweet with a hint of almond flavor, rich in grains, fruity aromas and fillings... Our products will give you an opportunity to feel the lightheartedness of childhood.
Confiserie Adam is an Alsace-based confectioner’s producing glazed almonds, which come from Italy, France and Spain, as well as sugared pralines and...
moreDaelmans Banket is a family company established in 1909. Two modern bakeries produce caramel wafers, cookies, puff pastry and...
moreMerba specializes in delicate chocolate, apple and butter cookies of different shapes and flavours. They are ideal with coffee or tea, offering a tempting...
moreFabbrica del Panforte offers typical Tuscan confectionery. Most products are handmade and produced from the best ingredients,...
moreThe Italian company, Biscottificio Belli, produces traditional, sweet Tuscan delicacies such as the almond-studded cantucci...
morePescaradolc is an Italian family company owned by the three Falcone brothers, Gianfranco, Andrea and Rodolfo. The company is...