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Report number: RB 46/2017 Report created: 2017-03-17
The Management Board of ALMA MARKET S.A. In the restructuring ("the Company"), pursuant to art. Article 70 (1) of the Act of 17 March 2017 on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading and on Public Companies (Journal of Laws of 2005, No. 184, item 1539, as amended) March 2017 notice from Mr. Jerzy Mazgaj about reducing the total involvement to the level of 0.74% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company.
see detailsReport number: RB 45/2017 Report created: 2017-03-17
Alma Market Management S.A. In the restructuring, it publishes an amendment to the list of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Alma Market S.A. On March 14, 2017:
Report number: RB 44/2017 Report created: 2017-03-14
Alma Market Management S.A. In the restructuring (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") announces that the decision of the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Krakow, VIII Commercial Division for Bankruptcy and Restructuring Issues, issued on 10 February 2017 about the cancellation of the sanatorium proceedings of the Company, Current Report No. RB 31/2017 dated February 13, 2017 did not sound legitimate, despite the fact that two weeks after its publication in Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy, due to the fact that the Court received a complaint against the claimant, was filed.
see detailsReport number: RB 43/2017 Report created: 2017-03-14
Alma Market Management S.A. The restructuring announces that none of the shareholders held at least 5% of the votes at the Alma Market S.A. Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. In restructuring on March 14, 2017.
see detailsReport number: RB 42/2017 Report created: 2017-03-14
I. Management Alma Market S.A. A resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company was held on 14 March 2017 in the company's corporate restructuring ("the Company").
see detailsReport number: RB 41/2017 Report created: 2017-03-03
The Management Board of ALMA MARKET S.A. In the restructuring of its registered office in Krakow (the "Company") announces that it has received information from the Management Board of the National Depository for Securities (SEC) on 3 March 2017. Resolution No. 143/17, which reads as follows:
see detailsReport number: RB 40/2017 Report created: 2017-03-01
The Management Board of ALMA MARKET SA has announced that it is changing its current reporting date (R) and the consolidated annual report (RS) for 2016 in the current report No. 14/2017.
Report number: RB 392017 Report created: 2017-02-20
The Management Board of Alma Market SA in the restructuring (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), with reference to current report no. 36/2017 dated February 16, 2017, informs that on February 20, 2017 it was signed between Alma Krakow Company A limited liability company based in Kraków, an agreement for the lease of an organized part of the debtor's business, comprising a group of property and non-property assets related to the Company's commercial activity in a retail building - supermarket in Cracow, ul. Pilots No. 6 (hereinafter: "Lease Agreement").
see detailsReport number: RB 38/2017 Report created: 2017-02-16
Board of Alma Market SA in restructuring (hereinafter: the "Company") announces that on 16 February 2017. served the Company the decision of 10 February 2017. District Court for Kraków - Śródmieście, VIII Commercial Division for bankruptcy and restructuring to reject the applications of creditors PKO BP SA, BZWBK SA and Bac-Pol SA for the appointment of the Creditors. The order does not contain a statement of reasons.
see detailsReport number: RB 37/2017 Report created: 2017-02-16
Board of Alma Market SA in restructuring (hereinafter: the "Company") announces that on 16 February 2017. served the Company the decision of 10 February 2017. District Court for Kraków - Śródmieście, VIII Commercial Division for bankruptcy and restructuring application was rejected by consent to the conclusion of the lease of an organized part of the Company with the provision of pre-emption rights in shape, about which the Company informed in the Current Report No. 9/2017 of 17 January 2017.
see detailsReport number: RB 36/2017 Report created: 2017-02-16
Board of Alma Market SA in restructuring (the "Company") informs that on February 16, 2017 it was notified about the release of the decision of 15 February 2017 the District Court for Kraków - Śródmieście, VIII Commercial Division for Bankruptcy and restructuring of expression consent to conclude with the company Alma Krakow limited liability company based in Krakow lease agreement of an organized part of the Company, including a team of tangible and intangible assets related to the commercial activity of the Company in the building trade - supermarket in ul. Pilots No. 6 (the "Lease Agreement").
see detailsReport number: RB 35/2017 Report created: 2017-02-15
The Board of ALMA MARKET SA the restructuring of the office in Krakow (the "Company"), announces the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 14 March 2017. at 11.00 in Krakow, in the conference room of the Chamber of Industry - Commerce in Krakow, ul. St. Florian 3.
see detailsReport number: RB 34/2017 Report created: 2017-02-14
Alma Market SA the restructuring of the office in Krakow (the "Issuer" or the "Company") announces that in connection with the issued non-final decision to discontinue the rehabilitation, on 14 February 2017. on the basis of art. 334 paragraph. 1 of the Act of 15 May 2015 years Law restructuring, simplified application filed for bankruptcy liquidation of assets of the Company. The application was filed in the District Court for Kraków - Śródmieście, VIII Commercial Division for bankruptcy and restructuring.
see detailsReport number: RB 33/2017 Report created: 2017-02-14
The Management Board of Alma Market SA restructuring to announce a correction to the current report No. 31/2017 RB. The submission by the governor weight Sanacja request for discontinuance of the proceedings, the Company informed in the current report RB 20/2017 dated 30.01.2017 r.
see detailsReport number: RB 32/2017 Report created: 2017-02-13
Alma Market SA the restructuring of the office in Krakow (the "Issuer" or the "Company") announces that in connection with the issued non-final decision to discontinue the rehabilitation, of which the Company informed in the current report RB 31/2016, the Company decided to draw up an application for bankruptcy Company liquidation of assets.
see detailsReport number: RB 31/2017 Report created: 2017-02-13
Alma Market SA the restructuring of the office in Krakow (the "Issuer" or the "Company") announces that on 13 February 2017 it received a message that the District Court for Kraków - Śródmieście, VIII Commercial Division for bankruptcy and restructuring issued on 10 February 2017, establishing a discontinuance of the proceedings the rehabilitation of the Issuer. Decision is not final. The submission by the governor weight sanation request for discontinuance of the proceedings, the Company informed in the current report RB 41/2016 dated 15.12.2016 r.
see detailsReport number: RB 30/2017 Report created: 2017-02-09
The Board of ALMA MARKET SA in restructuring (the "Company"), in accordance with Article. 70 section 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offer and conditions for introducing financial instruments to organized trading system and on public companies (Journal of Laws 2005 No. 184, item. 1539, as amended. D.) Announces that it has received dated 08 February 2017 years notice from Mr. Thomas Żarneckiego, to increase the total commitment to 40.86% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company.
see detailsReport number: RB 29/2017 Report created: 2017-02-07
The Board of ALMA MARKET SA in restructuring (the "Company"), in accordance with Article. 70 section 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offer and conditions for introducing financial instruments to organized trading system and on public companies (Journal of Laws 2005 No. 184, item. 1539, as amended. D.) Announces that it has received dated 7 February 2017 years notice from Mr. Jerzy Mazgaj, to reduce the total commitment to 21.46% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company.
see detailsReport number: RB 28/2017 Report created: 2017-02-07
Board of Alma Market SA in restructuring (hereinafter: the "Company") announces that on 7 February 2017. received information that the District Court for Kraków - Śródmieście in Kraków, XI Commercial Division of the National Court Register on 6 February 2017r. changes in the Articles of Association adopted Resolution No. 4 and Resolution No. 6 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, which was held on January 4, 2017 year (on resolutions adopted on January 4, 2017, the Company informed in the current report No. RB 01/2017).
see detailsReport number: RB 27/2017 Report created: 2017-02-06
Board of Alma Market SA the restructuring of the office in Krakow (the "Company") informs that on 6 February 2017. received a statement from Mr Peter Lumps of resignation from a member of the supervisory board of the Company.
see details
Report number: RB 26/2017 Report created: 2017-02-03
The Board of ALMA MARKET SA in restructuring (the "Company"), in accordance with Article. 70 section 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offer and conditions for introducing financial instruments to organized trading system and on public companies (Journal of Laws 2005 No. 184, item. 1539, as amended. D.) Announces that it has received dated 3 February 2017 years notice of PTE PZU SA acting on behalf of the Open Pension Fund PZU "Golden Autumn" (OFE PZU) to reduce the total commitment to 0% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company.
see detailsReport number: RB 25/2017 Report created: 2017-02-02
The Board of ALMA MARKET SA in restructuring (the "Company"), in accordance with Article. 70 section 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offer and conditions for introducing financial instruments to organized trading system and on public companies (Journal of Laws 2005 No. 184, item. 1539, as amended. D.) Announces that it has received dated 2 February 2017 years notice of PTE PZU SA acting on behalf of the Open Pension Fund PZU "Golden Autumn" (OFE PZU) to reduce the total commitment to 6.33% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company.
see detailsReport number: RB 24/2017 Report created: 2017-02-01
Board of Alma Market SA the restructuring of the office in Krakow (the "Company") announces that on 02.01.2017 r., the Company received resignations from his duties in the Supervisory Board of the following persons: Jerzy Mazgaj, Barbara Mazgaj, Wojciech Mazgaj, Andrzej Kardasiński.
see detailsReport number: RB 23/2017 Report created: 2017-01-30
The Board of ALMA MARKET SA in restructuring (the "Company"), in accordance with Article. 70 section 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offer and conditions for introducing financial instruments to organized trading system and on public companies (Journal of Laws 2005 No. 184, item. 1539, as amended. D.) Announces that it has received dated 30 January 2017 years notice from IPOPEMA TFI SA, to reduce the total commitment to 0% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company.
see detailsReport number: RB 22/2017 Report created: 2017-01-30
The Board of ALMA MARKET SA in restructuring (the "Company"), in accordance with Article. 70 section 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offer and conditions for introducing financial instruments to organized trading system and on public companies (Journal of Laws 2005 No. 184, item. 1539, as amended. D.) Announces that it has received dated 30 January 2017 years notice from Mr. Jerzy Mazgaj, to reduce the total commitment to 36.28% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company.