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  • How to prepare a good marinade?

    Brine for turkey and chicken
    Brine increases the juiciness of poultry and gives it a more intense flavour. 10 l water, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup salt, spices depending on the desired flavour, for example bay leaf, allspice, orange, cinnammon, etc. Combine all ingredients; keep poultry in the brine for two to six hours.

    Fish marinade
    Teriyaki sauce, olive oil, leek (cut into matchsticks), dark soy sauce. Marinate the fish for up to 30 minutes. The marinade can be used as a sauce for roasting the fish.

    Meat marinade
    Rub olive oil, fresh thyme and garlic into meat. Marinate for one to twelve hours, depending on the type of the meat.

    Wild game marinade
    Rub olive oil, rosemary, garlic and red wine into meat. Marinate for one to twelve hours, depending on the toughness of the meat.