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Report number: RB 57/2017 Report created: 2017-06-30
I. Management of Alma Market S.A. A resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on June 30, 2017, disclosed in the attached file, the contents of resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.
II. At the same time, the Company announces that the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on June 30, 2017 has passed resolutions to appoint the following persons to the Supervisory Board:
- Janusz Jerzy Panek - legal advisor
- Bartosz Stokłosa - Head of Unit in Credit Products Department, Deutsche Bank Polska SA
- Stefan Szostak - President of the Management Board at Polimex Engineering Sp. with o.o.
- Zbigniew Wąsowicz - chief specialist in the Procurement and Public Procurement Office at TVP S.A.
- Dariusz Kacprzyk - President of the Management Board at MCX Telecom Sp. with o.o.
Appointed members of the supervisory board do not conduct any activity competitive to the issuer; they do not participate in a competitive company as a civil or personal partner or as a member of a corporate body of an issuer. Appointed persons do not appear in the register of insolvent debtors maintained pursuant to the National Court Register Act.
III. The curricula vitae of the newly appointed members of the Supervisory Board are attached to this report
IV. At the same time, the Company announces that the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, on June 30, 2017, passed a resolution to suspend the General Meeting by July 14, 2017, until 12:00.
>> Resolutions taken at the AGM ALMA MARKET S.A. on 30 June 2017
>> Stefan Szostak
>> Bartosz Stokłosa
>> Zbigniew Wąsowicz
>> Marian Kacprzyk
>> Janusz Panek