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One of the oldest of French cheeses, Cantal is classified as semi-hard. Produced in Auvergne, it is a traditional farmhouse cheese made using milk from Salers cows and has a fat content of 45%. A singular aspect of its production is that it is pressed twice; the curds are pressed before being churned, then salted and, finally, moulded and pressed again. Young Cantal is sold after ageing for thirty days, Cantal Entre Deux is matured for between two and six months and Cantal Vieux, for eight or more. It has a velvety, exceptionally mild flavour and a discernible aroma of hazelnuts. Cantal is often served at the end of a meal, accompanied by a light, fruity wine.
Poznaj 122 inspirujące przepisy na bezglutowe ciasta, smakowite mięsa i sałatki dla wybrednych.
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